Sunday, April 27, 2008

Social Media Celebrity 101

This semester I have been taking a New Media and Public Relations class (hence the reason for the blog that you are reading). The class focuses on social media, 2-way communications and the growing importance of authenticity and transparency in successful business. All of which, of course, is an onset of the Internet.

I think what strikes me most about the class is the fact that I feel that half of what I am learning is stuff that I should have been learning the past four years in college and half of what I am learning is stuff that I have already learned on my own (i.e. how to use YouTube, Facebook, blogs, etc.)

If PR is really becoming all about new media than why does BU’s communication school only have one class devoted to this? Shouldn’t we learn about blogging and social media news releases in the same classes where we learn about press releases and media advisories? And shouldn’t authenticity, transparency and business as a conversation be themes that are ingrained in us as early as COM 101? It seems strange to me that I am just hearing of many of theses new media PR services for the first time now even though many of them have been around for years now.

And to think I signed up for this class just to fill an elective! I feel like had I decided to pursue a career in PR and not taken this class than I would have been behind some of my more new media savee competition. Also, I feel that BU’s education is a little behind on this integrated social marketing and communications trend. Funny considering we are considered one of the best communication schools in the nation…

Anyways, that’s enough ranting.

One of our recent assignments was to create a podcast about a topic of our choice. My group chose to do “How to Become a New Media Celebrity” (think Obama Girl or the Free Hugs Guy). Check out our Social Media Celebrity 101 podcast here:

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