Thursday, March 6, 2008

I Won't Grow Up... Until May 18th.

I can literally feel the bold, black letters glaring at me from the calendar in my kitchen as I write this post: GRADUATION DAY.

It is written on a single 1" by 1" square and the calendar is not even open to the correct month, yet the words are powerful enough to permeate through the pages and send a shiver up my spine.

I can handle the fact that graduation symbolizes a new chapter in my life. I can handle the fact that many of the friends I have made during my past four years here at Boston University will be scattered across the country next year. I can even handle the challenges and excitement of meeting new people, starting a new job (with any luck!) and living on my own.

The one thing I am NOT handling well is the strictly psychological notion that nowadays graduation from college seems to imply a complete coming of age. A metamorphosis from childhood to adulthood that happens fast enough to make anyone want to fly away with Peter Pan and never come back!

Naturally there are plenty of people who do not share the same viewpoint as me. I have dozens of peers who are dying to graduate. They cannot wait to leave the books behind and enter the work force. Some students are so anxious to graduate that they load up on coursework and finish school early.

I am not one of those people. I realize that graduation from undergraduate school is inevitable and I plan to have a long, prosperous life beyond college, however, until May 18th arrives I am going to make the most out of the end of my college career.

For the next few months I will be living in Neverland.

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